It is certainly better to disrupt yourself than to be disrupted by someone (or something) else!

If you cannot possibly imagine how technological change in general or innovation in AI specifically can disrupt what you do or how you do it, you need to get a bigger imagination (see what I did there?).

The sheer quantity, scale and availability of potentially disruptive innovation in artificial intelligence enabled solutions is staggering. I personally am overwhelmed by what may be possible today at the touch of a button that might have take individuals or teams of individuals days or weeks to accomplish a few months ago.

And it is still nascent.

Even though work in the field of artificial intelligence has been around since the 1950’s and 1960’s, capabilities created by massive processing power and the availability of almost limitless digital content used for learning today have reached an inflection point.

No industry, business model, economy or even personal life will not be altered in some way by the capabilities being presented by AI today.

Adapt or die?