Through continuous learning, people can stay relevant during periods of change, stay intellectually curious, adapt and improvise to different circumstances and continue to grow as human beings. Curiosity and the desire to explore new and different things throughout a person’s life, probably keeps them young!

Actively seeking new information, embracing anything that makes you stretch and learn and enjoying being challenged on a daily basis round out a continuous learning mindset.

You know, this sounds a great deal like machine learning within AI models. And probably within AI, it is not a great trait, it is simply the way it is. AI engines are, almost by definition, continuous learners. Through continuous feedback and correction, by non-stop processing and assimilation of new information, and by expanding memory and processing speed, AI continously learns and possibly gets better at the process of continuous learning.

The process of continuous learning – adapt, evolve, improve, incorporate feedback and then correct – are at the heart of AI. And it doesn’t stop. Rinse, lather, repeat.

As the process of continuous learning continues to be refined by AI, even the most continuous learning human will be left in the dust. Hurry up and read faster!